
During some pretty tough personal events, I found I was lacking in the basics of being my own boss, and working alone.  Although T.D. didn’t do anything but set up some cameras and eat my food when I first started, once he was gone, I started to flounder.  Grief will do that to a person.  But we had plans together, and a lot of those plans had to be scrapped.  I watched a lot of TV and had become a fan of Glenn Beck (don’t judge, he’s an interesting speaker).  One afternoon, he had a guest, Srinivas Rao, who was up and coming as a writer and interviewer.   After the interview, I downloaded his book, The Art of Being Unmistakable, which is a collection of essays written as he stepped into the scary world of trying to make a living writing.  He ultimately turned to podcasting , and when I have some free time, I love to listen.

Simon Sinek has written a series of books about entrepreneurship, but this is my favorite, because the purpose behind the project will drive the passion.  Start With Why was my bedtime story while I was building the groundwork for our little local farmers market.  My “why” statement was about a flow of energy that would grow and empower the community.  I was so compelled to build this business, my own business of writing took a backseat for several months, while I built a website, got permits, read up on food laws, verified vendors, and more.  I have since returned to working on food, writing and photography, and his simple premise helped me redefine the why behind Evolutionary Eats.  The why holds my focus as outside forces try to pull me into multiple directions

Which brings me to the next book, The 7 Day Startup.  Although the farmers market didn’t and couldn’t launch in seven days, the guidance of the book helped push along the process.  It also inspired me to take a fresh look at my own business model, which still isn’t generating much income.  There’s really too much information to take one thing from the book, but that it is possible to launch quickly as long as you are willing to work.

Entrepreneurship is in the most simple terms, a lot of hard work.  Many people start, but often the work involved and initial lack of income causes failure.  But true passion for whatever you do my not pay in money, but will provide satisfaction.  For me, what started out as a long term plan to make money while getting out a message and having some fun, has evolved into a hobby business that I love and I’m passionate about.  I’m constantly learning more than I could have imagined about working on the internets.  And everyday I get to spend doing this work is a day of joy.  It’s been as much about what to do, and not to take on too many tasks.  Basically know your limitations, be willing and able to make quick changes, above all, don’t compare yourself to others who do similar things.  Everyone has a unique view.